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AzureML (version 0.2.15)

download.datasets: Download one or more datasets from an AzureML workspace.


Download one or more datasets from an AzureML workspace into local R data frame or raw binary objects.


download.datasets(dataset, name, ...)



Either one or more rows from a datasets data frame in a workspace, or just a workspace from workspace. When source is a workspace, then the name parameter must also be specified.


Optional character vector of one or more dataset names to filter the datasets parameter list by.


Optional arguments to pass to read.table for CSV or TSV DataTypeIds or to readBin for the ZIP DataTypeId. For example, specify stringsAsFactors=TRUE if you wish, or any other valid argument to read.table.


If one dataset is specified (that is, one row from a workspace datasets data frame), then a single data frame is returned. If more than one dataset is specified (more than one row), then a list of data frames is returned.

See Also

workspace, datasets, read.table, download.intermediate.dataset


Run this code
  name <- "Blood donation data"
  ws <- workspace()
  # The following three alternatives produce the same output:
  frame1 <- download.datasets(ws, name)
  frame2 <- download.datasets(datasets(ws), name)

  # Note that one can examine all the names, sizes, etc. of the datasets
  # in ws by examining d:
  d <- datasets(ws)
  frame3 <- download.datasets(subset(d, Name == name))

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab