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BART (version 2.9.9)

mc.crisk.pwbart: Predicting new observations with a previously fitted BART model


BART is a Bayesian “sum-of-trees” model.
For a numeric response \(y\), we have \(y = f(x) + \epsilon\), where \(\epsilon \sim N(0,\sigma^2)\).

\(f\) is the sum of many tree models. The goal is to have very flexible inference for the uknown function \(f\).

In the spirit of “ensemble models”, each tree is constrained by a prior to be a weak learner so that it contributes a small amount to the overall fit.


mc.crisk.pwbart( x.test, x.test2,
                 treedraws, treedraws2,
                 binaryOffset=0, binaryOffset2=0,
                 mc.cores=2L, type='pbart',
                 transposed=FALSE, nice=19L


Returns an object of type criskbart which is essentially a list with components:


A matrix with ndpost rows and nrow(x.test) columns. Each row corresponds to a draw \(f^*\) from the posterior of \(f\) and each column corresponds to a row of x.train. The \((i,j)\) value is \(f^*(x)\) for the \(i^{th}\) kept draw of \(f\) and the \(j^{th}\) row of x.train.
Burn-in is dropped.


test data fits for survival probability.


mean of surv.test over the posterior samples.


The probability of suffering cause 1 which is occasionally useful, e.g., in calculating the concordance.


The probability of suffering cause 2 which is occasionally useful, e.g., in calculating the concordance.


The cumulative incidence function of cause 1, \(F_1(t, x)\), where x's are the rows of the test data.


The cumulative incidence function of cause 2, \(F_2(t, x)\), where x's are the rows of the test data.


test data fits = mean of yhat.test columns.


mean of cif.test columns for cause 1.


mean of cif.test2 columns for cause 2.



Matrix of covariates to predict \(y\) for cause 1.


Matrix of covariates to predict \(y\) for cause 2.


$treedraws for cause 1.


$treedraws for cause 2.


Mean to add on to \(y\) prediction for cause 1.


Mean to add on to \(y\) prediction for cause 2.


Number of threads to utilize.


Whether to employ Albert-Chib, 'pbart', or Holmes-Held, 'lbart'.


When running pwbart or mc.pwbart in parallel, it is more memory-efficient to transpose x.test prior to calling the internal versions of these functions.


Set the job niceness. The default niceness is 19: niceness goes from 0 (highest) to 19 (lowest).


BART is an Bayesian MCMC method. At each MCMC interation, we produce a draw from the joint posterior \((f,\sigma) | (x,y)\) in the numeric \(y\) case and just \(f\) in the binary \(y\) case.

Thus, unlike a lot of other modelling methods in R, we do not produce a single model object from which fits and summaries may be extracted. The output consists of values \(f^*(x)\) (and \(\sigma^*\) in the numeric case) where * denotes a particular draw. The \(x\) is either a row from the training data (x.train) or the test data (x.test).

See Also

pwbart, crisk.bart, mc.crisk.bart


Run this code


delta <- (as.numeric(transplant$event)-1)
## recode so that delta=1 is cause of interest; delta=2 otherwise
delta[delta==1] <- 4
delta[delta==2] <- 1
delta[delta>1] <- 2
table(delta, transplant$event)

times <- pmax(1, ceiling(transplant$futime/7)) ## weeks
##times <- pmax(1, ceiling(transplant$futime/30.5)) ## months

typeO <- 1*(transplant$abo=='O')
typeA <- 1*(transplant$abo=='A')
typeB <- 1*(transplant$abo=='B')
typeAB <- 1*(transplant$abo=='AB')
table(typeA, typeO)

x.train <- cbind(typeO, typeA, typeB, typeAB)

x.test <- cbind(1, 0, 0, 0)
dimnames(x.test)[[2]] <- dimnames(x.train)[[2]]

## parallel::mcparallel/mccollect do not exist on windows
if(.Platform$OS.type=='unix') {
##test BART with token run to ensure installation works
        post <- mc.crisk.bart(x.train=x.train, times=times, delta=delta,
                               seed=99, mc.cores=2, nskip=5, ndpost=5,

        pre <- surv.pre.bart(x.train=x.train, x.test=x.test,
                             times=times, delta=delta)

        K <- post$K

        pred <- mc.crisk.pwbart(pre$tx.test, pre$tx.test,
                                post$treedraws, post$treedraws2,
                                post$binaryOffset, post$binaryOffset2)

if (FALSE) {

## run one long MCMC chain in one process
## set.seed(99)
## post <- crisk.bart(x.train=x.train, times=times, delta=delta, x.test=x.test)

## in the interest of time, consider speeding it up by parallel processing
## run "mc.cores" number of shorter MCMC chains in parallel processes
post <- mc.crisk.bart(x.train=x.train,
                       times=times, delta=delta,
                       x.test=x.test, seed=99, mc.cores=8)

check <- mc.crisk.pwbart(post$tx.test, post$tx.test,
                          post$treedraws, post$treedraws2,
                          post$binaryOffset2, mc.cores=8)
## check <- predict(post, newdata=post$tx.test, newdata2=post$tx.test2,
##                  mc.cores=8)

print(c(post$surv.test.mean[1], check$surv.test.mean[1],
        post$surv.test.mean[1]-check$surv.test.mean[1]), digits=22)

print(all(round(post$surv.test.mean, digits=9)==
    round(check$surv.test.mean, digits=9)))

print(c(post$cif.test.mean[1], check$cif.test.mean[1],
        post$cif.test.mean[1]-check$cif.test.mean[1]), digits=22)

print(all(round(post$cif.test.mean, digits=9)==
    round(check$cif.test.mean, digits=9)))

print(c(post$cif.test2.mean[1], check$cif.test2.mean[1],
        post$cif.test2.mean[1]-check$cif.test2.mean[1]), digits=22)

print(all(round(post$cif.test2.mean, digits=9)==
    round(check$cif.test2.mean, digits=9)))


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