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Compute the Confluent Hypergeometric function: 1F1(a,b,c,t) = Gamma(b)/(Gamma(b-a)Gamma(a)) Int_0^1 t^(a-1) (1 - t)^(b-a-1) exp(c t) dt
hypergeometric1F1(a, b, c, laplace = FALSE, log = TRUE)
Must be greater 0
The default is to use the Cephes library; for large a or s this may return an NA, Inf or negative values,, in which case you should use the Laplace approximation.
if TRUE, return log(1F1)
Merlise Clyde (clyde@stat.duke.edu)
Cephes library hyp1f1.c
Other special functions: hypergeometric2F1(), phi1(), trCCH()
hypergeometric1F1(11.14756, 0.5, 0.00175097)
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