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BIOMASS (version 2.2.3)

cutPlot: Divides one or more plots into subplots


This function divides a plot (or several plots) in subplots and returns the coordinates of the grid. These coordinates are calculated by a bilinear interpolation with the projected corner coordinates as references.


cutPlot(projCoord, plot, cornerNum, gridsize = 100, dimX = 200, dimY = 200)


Returns a data-frame containing as many rows as there are corners corresponding to the subplots, and the following columns :

  • plot: The plot code

  • subplot: The automatically generated subplot code

  • XRel: The relative coordinates on the X axis (defined by corners 1->4)

  • YRel: The relative coordinates on the Y axis (defined by corners 1->2)

  • XAbs: The absolute (projected) X coordinates

  • YAbs: The absolute (projected) Y coordinates



A data frame containing the projected coordinates of plot corners, with X and Y on the first and second column respectively


A vector indicating the plot codes


A vector with corners numbered from 1 to 4 for each plot, numbering must be in clockwise direction


The size of the subplots


A vector indicating the size of the plot on the X axis, in meters and in the relative coordinates system (if a single value is supplied, it will be replicated for all plots)


A vector indicating the size of the plot on the Y axis, in meters and in the relative coordinates system (if a single value is supplied, it will be replicated for all plots)


Arthur PERE


Run this code

coord <- data.frame(X = c(0, 200, 0, 200), Y = c(0, 0, 200, 200)) + 5000
cornerNum <- c(1, 2, 4, 3)
plot <- rep("plot1", 4)

cut <- cutPlot(coord, plot, cornerNum, gridsize = 100, dimX = 200, dimY = 200)

# plot the result
plot(coord, main = "example", xlim = c(4900, 5300), ylim = c(4900, 5300), asp = 1)
text(coord, labels = cornerNum, pos = 1)
points(cut$XAbs, cut$YAbs, pch = "+")
legend("bottomright", legend = c("orignal", "cut"), pch = c("o", "+"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab