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BOIN (version 2.7.2)

next.subtrial: Determine the starting dose and the dose-searching space for next subtrial in waterfall design


Determine the starting dose and the dose-searching space for next subtrial after the current subtrial is completed when using the waterfall design


  p.saf = 0.6 * target,
  p.tox = 1.4 * target,
  cutoff.eli = 0.95,
  extrasafe = FALSE,
  offset = 0.05



the target DLT rate


a J*K matrix (J<=K) containing the number of patients treated at each dose combination


a J*K matrix (J<=K) containing the number of patients who experienced dose-limiting toxicities at each dose combination


the highest toxicity probability that is deemed subtherapeutic (i.e. below the MTD) such that dose escalation should be undertaken. The default value is p.saf=0.6*target.


the lowest toxicity probability that is deemed overly toxic such that deescalation is required. The default value is p.tox=1.4*target.


the cutoff to eliminate an overly toxic dose for safety. We recommend the default value of (cutoff.eli=0.95) for general use.


set extrasafe=TRUE to impose a more stringent stopping rule


a small positive number (between 0 and 0.5) to control how strict the stopping rule is when extrasafe=TRUE. A larger value leads to a more strict stopping rule. The default value offset=0.05 generally works well.


next.subtrial() returns a list object, containing the starting dose ($starting_dose) and the dose-searching space for the the next subtrial ($next_subtrial).


For the waterfall design, this function is used to obtain the starting dose and dose-searching space for the next subtrial when the current subtrial is completed. The input data include: the number of patients treated at each dose combination (i.e., npts), the number of patients who experienced dose-limiting toxicities at each dose combination (i.e., ntox).


Liu S. and Yuan, Y. (2015). Bayesian Optimal Interval Designs for Phase I Clinical Trials, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 64, 507-523.

Lin R. and Yin, G. (2017). Bayesian Optimal Interval Designs for Dose Finding in Drug-combination Trials, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 26, 2155-2167.

Yan, F., Zhang, L., Zhou, Y., Pan, H., Liu, S. and Yuan, Y. (2020).BOIN: An R Package for Designing Single-Agent and Drug-Combination Dose-Finding Trials Using Bayesian Optimal Interval Designs. Journal of Statistical Software, 94(13),1-32.<doi:10.18637/jss.v094.i13>.

Zhang L. and Yuan, Y. (2016). A Simple Bayesian Design to Identify the Maximum Tolerated Dose Contour for Drug Combination Trials, Statistics in Medicine, 35, 4924-4936.

See Also

Tutorial: http://odin.mdacc.tmc.edu/~yyuan/Software/BOIN/BOIN2.6_tutorial.pdf

Paper: http://odin.mdacc.tmc.edu/~yyuan/Software/BOIN/paper.pdf


Run this code
## determine the starting dose and dose searching space for next subtrial
n <- matrix(c(6, 0, 0, 0,
           6, 10, 12, 0,
           9, 12, 0, 0), ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
y <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 0,
            1, 1, 4, 0,
            2, 3, 0, 0), ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
nxt.trial <- next.subtrial(target=0.3, npts=n, ntox=y)

# }

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