snps <- XtraSNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP141.GRCh38
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## snpsBySeqname()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Get the location, RefSNP id, and alleles for all "extra SNPs"
## located on chromosome 22 and MT:
snpsBySeqname(snps, c("ch22", "chMT"), columns=c("RefSNP_id", "alleles"))
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## snpsByOverlaps()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Get the location, RefSNP id, and alleles for all "extra SNPs"
## overlapping some regions of interest:
snpsByOverlaps(snps, "ch22:33.63e6-33.64e6",
columns=c("RefSNP_id", "alleles"))
## With the regions of interest being all the known CDS for hg38
## (except for the chromosome naming convention, hg38 is the same
## as GRCh38):
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene
hg38_cds <- cds(txdb)
seqlevelsStyle(hg38_cds) # UCSC
seqlevelsStyle(snps) # dbSNP
seqlevelsStyle(hg38_cds) <- seqlevelsStyle(snps)
genome(hg38_cds) <- genome(snps)
snpsByOverlaps(snps, hg38_cds, columns=c("RefSNP_id", "alleles"))
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## snpsById()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Get the location and alleles for some RefSNP ids:
my_rsids <- c("rs367617508", "rs398104919", "rs3831697", "rs372470289",
"rs141568169", "rs34628976", "rs67551854")
snpsById(snps, my_rsids, c("RefSNP_id", "alleles"))
## See ?XtraSNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP141.GRCh38 for examples of using
## snpsBySeqname() and snpsById().
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