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BaM (version 1.0.3)

asap.data.list: asap.data.list


The American State Administrator's Project (ASAP) survey asks administrators about the influence of a variety of external political actors including "clientele groups" in their agencies., see page 395.

The variables included in the dataset are:

  • contracting scale from 0 : 6 where higher indicates more private contracting within the respondent's agency.

  • gov.incluence respondents' assessment of the governor's influence on contracting in their agency.

  • leg.influence respondents' assessment of the legislatures' influence on contracting in their agency, ranging from 0 : 21.

  • elect.board dichotomous variable coded 1 if appointed by a board, a commission or elected, and 0 otherwise.

  • years.tenure number of years that the respondent has worked at their current agency.

  • education ordinal variable for level of education possessed by the respondent.

  • partisan.ID a 5-point ordinal variable (1-5) for the respondent's partisanship (strong Democrat to strong Republican).

  • category categories of agency type.

  • med.time whether the respondent spent more or less than the sample median with representatives of interest groups.

  • medt.contr interaction variable between med.time and contracting.

  • gov.ideology state government ideology from Berry et al. (1998) from 0 to 100.

  • lobbyists total state lobbying registrants in 2000-01 from Gray and Lowery (1996, 2001).

  • nonprofits provides the total number of nonprofit groups in the respondents' state in the year 2008, divided by 10,000.


