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BaM (version 1.0.3)

baldus: Baldus Dataset


Data from Baldus Study on death sentences in Georgia (Exercise 14.2, p. 521). To use the data in JAGS or WinBugs, see baldus.jags and balfus.winbugs, respectively.





The variables included in the dataset are:

  • race Defendant's race (1 = Black)

  • educatn Educational level

  • employm Employment status (1 = Employed)

  • SES Socioeconomic status (1 = Low Wage)

  • married Marital status (1 = Married)

  • num.chld Number of children

  • military Military experience (1 = Serving, 0 = No military service, -1 = Dishonorable Discharge)

  • pr.arrst

  • plea Plea to Murder Indictment

  • sentence Sentenced

  • defense Status of Principle Defense Council (1 = Retained, 2 = Appointed)

  • dp.sght Prosecutor Waive/Fail to Seek DP (1 = Failed/Unknown, 2 = Sought DP)

  • jdge.dec Judge Took Sentence from Jury?

  • pen.phse Was there a penalty trial?

  • did.appl Did defendant appeal cov. or sentence?

  • out.appl Outcome of appeal

  • vict.sex Victim sex

  • pr.incrc

  • vict.age Victim's age

  • vict.rel Relation of victim with defendant

  • vict.st1 Victim status (0 = Non-police+judicial, 1 = Police+judicial)

  • vict.st2

  • specialA Special Circumstances ()

  • methodA Method of killing

  • num.kill Number of persons killed by defendant

  • num.prps Number of persons killed by coperpetrator

  • def.age Defendant's age

  • aggrevat Aggravating circumstances

  • bloody Bloody crime

  • fam.lov

  • insane Defendant invoked insanity defense

  • mitcir

  • num.depr

  • rape Rape involved

See Also

baldus.jags baldus.winbugs