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BaM (version 1.0.3)

retail.sales: retail.sales


Retail sales from 1979 through 1989 based on data provided by the U.S. Department of Commerce through the Survey of Current Business, see page 439

The variables included in the dataset are:

  • TIME the economic quarter specified, starting from the first quarter of 1979 where j=1 to the fourth quarter of 1989 where j=44

  • DSB national income wage and salary disbursements (in billions of dollars)

  • EMP employees on non-agricultural payrolls (in thosuands)

  • BDG building material dealer sales (in millions of dollars)

  • CAR retail automotive dealer sales (in millions of dollars)

  • FRN home furnishings dealer sales (in millions of dollars)

  • GMR general merchandise dealer sales (in millions of dollars)





data frame with 44 observations of statistics for different economic quarters with 7 explanatory variables