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BaM (version 1.0.3)

socatt: socatt


Data from the British Social Attitudes (BSA) Survey 1983-1986.

The variables included in the dataset are:

  • District identifying for geographic district.

  • Respondent.Code respondent identifier

  • Year.Code 1 = 1983, 2 = 1984, 3 = 1985, 4 = 1986

  • Num.Answers number of positive answers to seven questions

  • Party 1 = Conservative, 2 = Labour, 3 = Lib/SDP/Alliance, 4 = others

  • Social.Class 1 = middle, 2 = upper working, 3 = lower working

  • Gender 1 = male, 2 = female.

  • Age age in years 18-80

  • Religion 1 = Roman Catholic, 2 = Protestant/Church of England, 3 = others, 4 = none.


