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BaM (version 1.0.3)

wars: wars


Data for Chinese wars example, see page 163

The variables included in the dataset are:

  • ONSET ratio-level variable measuring the epochal (whether historical or calendar) time of event occurrence, measured in calendar year

  • TERM ratio-level variable measuring the epochal (historical) time of event conclusion, measured in calendar year

  • EXTENT number of belligerents involved on all sides of the war

  • ETHNIC intra-group or inter-group conflict

  • DIVERSE number of ethnic groups participating as belligerents

  • ALLIANCE total number of alliances among belligerents

  • DYADS number of alliance pairs

  • POL.LEV nominal-level variable measuring the political level of belligerent involvement regarding domestic and foreign belligerents, with a 1 for internal war, 2 for interstate war

  • COMPLEX governmental level of the warring parties, where the first variable is multiplied by ten for scale purposes

  • POLAR number of relatively major or great powers at the time of onset

  • BALANCE the difference in military capabilities: minor-minor, minor-major, major-major

  • TEMPOR type of war: protracted rivalry, integrative conquest, disintegrative/fracturing conflict, sporadic event

  • SCOPE political scope of conflicts in terms of governmental units affected

  • DURATION duration of conflict, measured in years





a data frame of 104 observations of different China wars with 15 explanatory variables