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BaSTA (version 2.0.1)

CensusToCaptHist: Constructs a capture-history matrix from repeated individual observations to be used in Bayesian Survival Trajectory Analysis (BaSTA).


This function takes a table of repeated observations per individual (e.g., discrete interval census), consisting of a pair of vectors with ID and observation date (e.g., year), and converts it into a capture-history matrix to be used as part of a BaSTA CMR data input.


CensusToCaptHist(ID, d, dformat = "%Y", timeInt = "Y")


Creates an object of class “data.frame” with the reconstructed capture recapture matrix.



A vector with individual IDs.


A vector of dates when each individual was observed (see details).


Defines the date format for d when d is of class character (see details).


A one character string specifying which time interval should be used between capture occasions. Arguments are “Y” for years, “M” for months, “W” for weeks and “D” for days (see details)..


Owen R. Jones jones@biology.sdu.dk.


The d argument can be specified as an object of class POSIXct or POSIXlt, as a vector of integer time intervals or as a character string indicating the day, month and year. (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy, mmddyyyy, mm-dd-yyyy etc.). When d is of class character then argument dformat needs to be specified using the same conventions as in function format.POSIXct for objects of class POSIXct or POSIXlt.

See Also

DataCheck for running a data check on the input data for function basta.FixCMRdata to fix potential issues for capture-mark-recapture data. bastaCMRdat for an example of input CMR datasets.


Run this code
## Create a simulated vector of repeated IDs:
IDvec <- sort(sample(1:5, size = 15, replace = TRUE))

## Simulate dates (e.g., years) of observation per individual:
dVec <- rep(0, length(IDvec))
for(i in unique(IDvec)) {
  svec <- which(IDvec == i)
  dVec[svec] <- sort(sample(1990:1995, length(svec)))

## Construct the capture-recapture matrix:
Y <- CensusToCaptHist(ID = IDvec,  d = dVec)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab