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BaseSet (version 1.0.0)

intersection: Intersection of two or more sets


Given a TidySet creates a new set with the elements on the both of them following the logic defined on FUN.


intersection(object, sets, ...)

# S4 method for TidySet,character intersection( object, sets, name = NULL, FUN = "min", keep = FALSE, keep_relations = keep, keep_elements = keep, keep_sets = keep, ... )


A TidySet object.



A TidySet object.


The character of sets to be intersect.


Other named arguments passed to FUN.


The name of the new set. By defaults joins the sets with an ∪.


A function to be applied when performing the union. The standard intersection is the "min" function, but you can provide any other function that given a numeric vector returns a single number.


A logical value if you want to keep originals sets.


A logical value if you wan to keep old relations.


A logical value if you wan to keep old elements.


A logical value if you wan to keep old sets.

Methods (by class)

  • intersection(object = TidySet, sets = character): Applies the standard intersection


#' The default uses the min function following the standard fuzzy definition, but it can be changed.

See Also

Other methods that create new sets: complement_element(), complement_set(), subtract(), union()

Other methods: TidySet-class, activate(), add_column(), add_relation(), arrange.TidySet(), cartesian(), complement(), complement_element(), complement_set(), element_size(), elements(), filter.TidySet(), group(), group_by.TidySet(), incidence(), is.fuzzy(), is_nested(), move_to(), mutate.TidySet(), nElements(), nRelations(), nSets(), name_elements<-(), name_sets(), name_sets<-(), power_set(), pull.TidySet(), relations(), remove_column(), remove_element(), remove_relation(), remove_set(), rename_elements(), rename_set(), select.TidySet(), set_size(), sets(), subtract(), union()


Run this code
rel <- data.frame(
    sets = c(rep("A", 5), "B"),
    elements = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "f", "f")
TS <- tidySet(rel)
intersection(TS, c("A", "B")) # Default Name
intersection(TS, c("A", "B"), "C") # Set the name
# Fuzzy set
rel <- data.frame(
    sets = c(rep("A", 5), "B"),
    elements = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "f", "f"),
    fuzzy = runif(6)
TS2 <- tidySet(rel)
intersection(TS2, c("A", "B"), "C")
intersection(TS2, c("A", "B"), "C", FUN = function(x){max(sqrt(x))})

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