## Puzzles data; see ?puzzles for details
## Bayes factor of full model against null
bfFull = lmBF(RT ~ shape + color + shape:color + ID, data = puzzles, whichRandom = "ID")
## Bayes factor of main effects only against null
bfMain = lmBF(RT ~ shape + color + ID, data = puzzles, whichRandom = "ID")
## Compare the main-effects only model to the full model
bfMain / bfFull
## sample from the posterior of the full model
samples = lmBF(RT ~ shape + color + shape:color + ID,
data = puzzles, whichRandom = "ID", posterior = TRUE,
iterations = 1000)
## Aother way to sample from the posterior of the full model
samples2 = posterior(bfFull, iterations = 1000)
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