Data from a subset of the Coronary Risk-Factor Study baseline survey, carried out in rural South Africa. The variables are as follows:
sbp: Systolic blood pressure
tobacco: Cumulative tobacco consumption, in kg
ldl: Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
adiposity: Adipose tissue concentration
famhist: Family history of heart disease (1=Present, 0=Absent)
typea: Score on test designed to measure type-A behavior
obesity: Obesity
alcohol: Current consumption of alcohol
age: Age of subject
chd: Coronary heart disease at baseline; 1=Yes 0=No
A data frame with 462 observations on 10 variables
Rousseauw, J., du Plessis, J., Benade, A., Jordaan, P., Kotze, J. and Ferreira, J. (1983). Coronary risk factor screening in three rural communities. South African Medical Journal 64: 430-436.