## commands for calculating a numerical posterior CDF.
## In this example, the likelihood is proportional to
## \eqn{\theta^{3/2}\times \exp(-\theta/4)} and a N(6, 9) prior is used.
theta = seq(from = 0.001, to = 40, by = 0.001)
prior = dnorm(theta,6,3)
ppnLike = theta^1.5*exp(-theta/4)
ppnPost = prior*ppnLike
scaleFactor = sintegral(theta, ppnPost)$int
posterior = ppnPost/scaleFactor
cdf = sintegral(theta, posterior)$y
pNull(15, theta, cdf)
## Use an inverse method to take a random sample of size 1000
## from the posterior
suppressWarnings({Finv = approxfun(cdf, theta)})
thetaSample = Finv(runif(1000))
pNull(15, thetaSample)
# }
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