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Alternative plot method for Boruta objects, showing matplot of attribute importances over run.
plotImpHistory( x, colCode = c("green", "yellow", "red", "blue"), col = NULL, type = "l", lty = 1, pch = 0, xlab = "Classifier run", ylab = "Importance", ... )
Invisible copy of x.
an object of a class Boruta.
a vector containing colour codes for attribute decisions, respectively Confirmed, Tentative, Rejected and shadow.
standard col attribute, passed to matplot. If given, suppresses effects of colCode.
Plot type that will be passed to matplot.
Line type that will be passed to matplot.
Point mark type that will be passed to matplot.
X axis label that will be passed to matplot.
Y axis label that will be passed to matplot.
additional graphical parameter that will be passed to matplot.
if (FALSE) { library(mlbench); data(Sonar) #Takes some time, so be patient Boruta(Class~.,data=Sonar,doTrace=2)->Bor.son print(Bor.son) plotImpHistory(Bor.son) }
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