- seu
A Seurat object. The Seurat object should contain gene expression data and be preprocessed with variable features identified.
- adjm
A spatial adjacency matrix representing the relationships between cells or spots in spatial transcriptomic data.
- assay
A character string specifying which assay to use from the Seurat object. If NULL, the function will use the default assay.
- slot
The data slot to use for feature extraction (e.g., "data", "counts"). Default is "data".
- nfeatures
The number of features to select for analysis. Default is 2000.
- q
An integer specifying the number of dimensions for the reduced embeddings. Default is 50.
- reduction.name
A character string specifying the name for the dimensional reduction. Default is "caesar".
- var.features
A vector of variable features (genes) to use for the embedding. If NULL, the function will use variable features stored in the Seurat object.
- ...
Additional arguments passed to `FAST_run`.