highlight.borders: Creates an sf data.frame object (from the sf package) identifying a subset of borders
between neighbouring areas.
Creates an sf data.frame object (from the sf package) identifying a subset of borders
between neighbouring areas, which allows them to be overlayed on a map.
An example is given in the vignette accompanying this package.
highlight.borders(border.locations, sfdata)
An sf data.frame object from the sf package, which contains the vertices of all the
borders to be highlighted on the map. The mapping can be done using the mapview
package, see the vignette accompanying this package for an example.
A K by K matrix, where K is the number of areas, containing 3 distinct values:
NA for non-neighbouring areas; 0 for borders between neighbouring areas to be
highlighted on a map; and 1 for borders between neighbouring areas not to be
highlighted on a map.
An sf data.frame (from the sf package) object used for plotting the data and
creating the original neighbourhood matrix W.