- formula
A formula for the covariate part of the model using the syntax of the lm()
function. Offsets can be included here using the offset() function. The response
and each covariate should be vectors of length (KN)*1, where K is the number of
spatial units and N is the number of time periods. Each vector should be ordered
so that the first K data points are the set of all K spatial locations at time 1,
the next K are the set of spatial locations for time 2 and so on. The response can
contain missing (NA) values.
- family
One of either "binomial", "gaussian" or "poisson", which respectively specify a
binomial likelihood model with a logistic link function, a Gaussian likelihood
model with an identity link function, or a Poisson likelihood model with a log
link function.
- data
An optional data.frame containing the variables in the formula.
- trials
A vector the same length and in the same order as the response containing the
total number of trials for each area and time period. Only used if family="binomial".
- W
A non-negative K by K neighbourhood matrix (where K is the number of
spatial units). Typically a binary specification is used, where the jkth
element equals one if areas (j, k) are spatially close (e.g. share a common
border) and is zero otherwise. The matrix can be non-binary, but each row must
contain at least one non-zero entry.
- burnin
The number of MCMC samples to discard as the burn-in period.
- n.sample
The number of MCMC samples to generate.
- thin
The level of thinning to apply to the MCMC samples to reduce their temporal
autocorrelation. Defaults to 1 (no thinning).
- n.chains
The number of MCMC chains to run when fitting the model. Defaults to 1.
- n.cores
The number of computer cores to run the MCMC chains on. Must be less than or
equal to n.chains. Defaults to 1.
- prior.mean.beta
A vector of prior means for the regression parameters beta (Gaussian priors are
assumed). Defaults to a vector of zeros.
- prior.var.beta
A vector of prior variances for the regression parameters beta (Gaussian priors
are assumed). Defaults to a vector with values 100,000.
- prior.mean.alpha
The prior mean for the average slope of the linear time trend alpha (a Gaussian prior
is assumed). Defaults to zero.
- prior.var.alpha
The prior variance for the average slope of the linear time trend alpha (a Gaussian
prior is assumed). Defaults to 100,000.
- prior.nu2
The prior shape and scale in the form of c(shape, scale) for an Inverse-Gamma(shape, scale)
prior for nu2. Defaults to c(1, 0.01) and only used if family="Gaussian".
- prior.tau2
The prior shape and scale in the form of c(shape, scale) for an Inverse-Gamma(shape, scale)
prior for tau2. Defaults to c(1, 0.01).
- rho.slo
The value in the interval [0, 1] that the spatial dependence parameter for the
slope of the linear time trend, rho.slo, is fixed at if it should not be estimated.
If this arugment is NULL then rho.slo is estimated in the model.
- rho.int
The value in the interval [0, 1] that the spatial dependence parameter for the
intercept of the linear time trend, rho.int, is fixed at if it should not be
estimated. If this arugment is NULL then rho.int is estimated in the model.
Logical, should the function use Metropolis adjusted Langevin algorithm (MALA)
updates (TRUE, default) or simple random walk (FALSE) updates for the regression
parameters. Not applicable if family="gaussian".
- verbose
Logical, should the function update the user on its progress.