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CARrampsOcl (version 0.1.4)

plotCAR1: Function to plot 2-dimensional data modeled using a single structure matrix.


Function to plot 2-dimensional data modeled using a single structure matrix.


plotCAR1(objname, numcols = 64, col = rev(terrain.colors(numcols)), cardims, 
   rev.inds = c(FALSE, FALSE), 
   title = c("Raw data", "Estimated underlying truth"),
   sub = NULL)


name of output object produced by CARrampsOcl.fit
number of shades from the color palette to be used
color palette to be used in plotting; the default plots high values in green and low values in pink.
Two-vector specifying the number of rows and columns in the CAR1 structure matrix; same as dimension of CAR1 Q matrix provided to CARrampsOcl.fit.
Should the plotting indices on each two-dimensional plot be reversed? Setting rev.inds = c(TRUE,FALSE) flips the plots from left to right; rev.inds = c(FALSE,TRUE) turns the plots upside down.
Vector of character values; the titles of the two plots.
subtitle for plots; vector of length equal to the number of pages of plots to be displayed


  • This function plots two two-dimensional plots side-by-side. The left plot is of the raw data input into the CARrampsOcl.fit function, and the right plot is of the estimated means of the of the posterior distributions of the corresponding random effects.


This function plots two two-dimensional plots side-by-side. The left plot is of the raw data input into the CARrampsOcl.fit function, and the right plot is of the estimated means of the of the posterior distributions of the corresponding random effects.


Run this code
# load data

Q <- list( list(type="CAR1",content=c(33,24)) )

# construct the design matrix with with as many columns as there are
# in null space of kronecker prod of Q's

X <-  matrix( rep(1,33*24), ncol=1)

# parameters of gamma prior densities on tausqy, tausqphi[1], tausqphi[2]
alpha2 = beta2 <- c(.1, .1)
# number of samples
nsamp = 100

#random seed
myseed = 314

output <- CARrampsOcl.fit(alpha=alpha2,
            beta=beta2, Q=Q, y=iowaSW06,  nsamp=nsamp,
            fixed = FALSE, randeffs=TRUE, coefs=TRUE,designMat=X,
            mult= 50)

# plot the raw data and the posterior means of the site-specific random effects

plotCAR1( output, numcols=32, col = rev(terrain.colors(32)),
    cardims = c(33 ,24 ), rev.inds = c(FALSE, TRUE))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab