# EXAMPLE 1: Fraction Dataset 1
# Unidimensional Models for dichotomous data
data(data.fraction1, package="CDM")
dat <- data.fraction1$data
theta.k <- seq( -6, 6, len=15 ) # discretized ability
# Model 1: Rasch model (normal distribution)
mod1 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="1PL", theta.k=theta.k, skillspace="normal",
# Model 2: Rasch model (log-linear smoothing)
# set the item difficulty of the 8th item to zero
b.constraint <- matrix( c(8,1,0), 1, 3 )
mod2 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="1PL", theta.k=theta.k,
skillspace="loglinear", b.constraint=b.constraint )
# Model 3: 2PL model
mod3 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="2PL", theta.k=theta.k,
skillspace="normal", standardized.latent=TRUE )
# }
# Model 4: include quadratic term in item response function
# using the argument decrease.increments=TRUE leads to a more
# stable estimate
thetaDes <- cbind( theta.k, theta.k^2 )
colnames(thetaDes) <- c( "F1", "F1q" )
mod4 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="2PL", theta.k=theta.k,
thetaDes=thetaDes, skillspace="normal",
standardized.latent=TRUE, decrease.increments=TRUE)
# Model 5: step function for ICC
# two different probabilities theta < 0 and theta > 0
thetaDes <- matrix( 1*(theta.k>0), ncol=1 )
colnames(thetaDes) <- c( "Fgrm1" )
mod5 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="2PL", theta.k=theta.k,
thetaDes=thetaDes, skillspace="normal" )
# Model 6: DINA model with din function
mod6 <- CDM::din( dat, q.matrix=matrix( 1, nrow=ncol(dat),ncol=1 ) )
# Model 7: Estimating a version of the DINA model with gdm
theta.k <- c(-.5,.5)
mod7 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="2PL", theta.k=theta.k, skillspace="loglinear" )
# EXAMPLE 2: Cultural Activities - data.Students
# Unidimensional Models for polytomous data
data(data.Students, package="CDM")
dat <- data.Students
dat <- dat[, grep( "act", colnames(dat) ) ]
theta.k <- seq( -4, 4, len=11 ) # discretized ability
# Model 1: Partial Credit Model (PCM)
mod1 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="1PL", theta.k=theta.k, skillspace="normal",
# Model 1b: PCM using frequency patterns
mod1b <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="1PL", theta.k=theta.k, skillspace="normal",
centered.latent=TRUE, use.freqpatt=TRUE)
# Model 2: PCM with two groups
mod2 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="1PL", theta.k=theta.k,
group=CDM::data.Students$urban + 1, skillspace="normal",
# Model 3: PCM with loglinear smoothing
b.constraint <- matrix( c(1,2,0), ncol=3 )
mod3 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="1PL", theta.k=theta.k,
skillspace="loglinear", b.constraint=b.constraint )
# Model 4: Model with pre-specified item weights in Q-matrix
Qmatrix <- array( 1, dim=c(5,1,2) )
Qmatrix[,1,2] <- 2 # default is score 2 for category 2
# now change the scoring of category 2:
Qmatrix[c(2,4),1,1] <- .74
Qmatrix[c(2,4),1,2] <- 2.3
# for items 2 and 4 the score for category 1 is .74 and for category 2 it is 2.3
mod4 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="1PL", theta.k=theta.k, Qmatrix=Qmatrix,
skillspace="normal", centered.latent=TRUE)
# Model 5: Generalized partial credit model
mod5 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="2PL", theta.k=theta.k,
skillspace="normal", standardized.latent=TRUE )
# Model 6: Item-category slope estimation
mod6 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="2PLcat", theta.k=theta.k, skillspace="normal",
standardized.latent=TRUE, decrease.increments=TRUE)
# Models 7: items with different number of categories
dat0 <- dat
dat0[ paste(dat0[,1])==2, 1 ] <- 1 # 1st item has only two categories
dat0[ paste(dat0[,3])==2, 3 ] <- 1 # 3rd item has only two categories
# Model 7a: PCM
mod7a <- CDM::gdm( dat0, irtmodel="1PL", theta.k=theta.k, centered.latent=TRUE )
# Model 7b: Item category slopes
mod7b <- CDM::gdm( dat0, irtmodel="2PLcat", theta.k=theta.k,
standardized.latent=TRUE, decrease.increments=TRUE )
# EXAMPLE 3: Fraction Dataset 2
# Multidimensional Models for dichotomous data
data(data.fraction2, package="CDM")
dat <- data.fraction2$data
Qmatrix <- data.fraction2$q.matrix3
# Model 1: One-dimensional Rasch model
theta.k <- seq( -4, 4, len=11 ) # discretized ability
mod1 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="1PL", theta.k=theta.k, centered.latent=TRUE)
# Model 2: One-dimensional 2PL model
mod2 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="2PL", theta.k=theta.k, standardized.latent=TRUE)
# Model 3: 3-dimensional Rasch Model (normal distribution)
mod3 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="1PL", theta.k=theta.k, Qmatrix=Qmatrix,
centered.latent=TRUE, globconv=5*1E-3, conv=1E-4 )
# Model 4: 3-dimensional Rasch model (loglinear smoothing)
# set some item parameters of items 4,1 and 2 to zero
b.constraint <- cbind( c(4,1,2), 1, 0 )
mod4 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="1PL", theta.k=theta.k, Qmatrix=Qmatrix,
b.constraint=b.constraint, skillspace="loglinear" )
# Model 5: define a different theta grid for each dimension
theta.k <- list( "Dim1"=seq( -5, 5, len=11 ),
"Dim3"=seq( -3,3,len=6) )
mod5 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="1PL", theta.k=theta.k, Qmatrix=Qmatrix,
b.constraint=b.constraint, skillspace="loglinear")
# Model 6: multdimensional 2PL model (normal distribution)
theta.k <- seq( -5, 5, len=13 )
a.constraint <- cbind( c(8,1,3), 1:3, 1, 1 ) # fix some slopes to 1
mod6 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="2PL", theta.k=theta.k, Qmatrix=Qmatrix,
centered.latent=TRUE, a.constraint=a.constraint, decrease.increments=TRUE,
# Model 7: multdimensional 2PL model (loglinear distribution)
a.constraint <- cbind( c(8,1,3), 1:3, 1, 1 )
b.constraint <- cbind( c(8,1,3), 1, 0 )
mod7 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="2PL", theta.k=theta.k, Qmatrix=Qmatrix,
b.constraint=b.constraint, a.constraint=a.constraint,
decrease.increments=FALSE, skillspace="loglinear")
# EXAMPLE 4: Unidimensional latent class 1PL IRT model
# simulate data
I <- 20 # number of items
N <- 2000 # number of persons
theta <- c( -2, 0, 1, 2 )
theta <- rep( theta, c(N/4,N/4, 3*N/8, N/8) )
b <- seq(-2,2,len=I)
library(sirt) # use function sim.raschtype from sirt package
dat <- sirt::sim.raschtype( theta=theta, b=b )
theta.k <- seq(-1, 1, len=4) # initial vector of theta
# estimate model
mod1 <- CDM::gdm( dat, theta.k=theta.k, skillspace="est", irtmodel="1PL",
centerintercepts=TRUE, maxiter=200)
## Estimated Skill Distribution
## F1 pi.k
## 1 -1.988 0.24813
## 2 -0.055 0.23313
## 3 0.940 0.40059
## 4 2.000 0.11816
# EXAMPLE 5: Multidimensional latent class IRT model
# We simulate a two-dimensional IRT model in which theta vectors
# are observed at a fixed discrete grid (see below).
# simulate data
I <- 13 # number of items
N <- 2400 # number of persons
# simulate Dimension 1 at 4 discrete theta points
theta <- c( -2, 0, 1, 2 )
theta <- rep( theta, c(N/4,N/4, 3*N/8, N/8) )
b <- seq(-2,2,len=I)
library(sirt) # use simulation function from sirt package
dat1 <- sirt::sim.raschtype( theta=theta, b=b )
# simulate Dimension 2 at 4 discrete theta points
theta <- c( -3, 0, 1.5, 2 )
theta <- rep( theta, c(N/4,N/4, 3*N/8, N/8) )
dat2 <- sirt::sim.raschtype( theta=theta, b=b )
colnames(dat2) <- gsub( "I", "U", colnames(dat2))
dat <- cbind( dat1, dat2 )
# define Q-matrix
Qmatrix <- matrix(0,2*I,2)
Qmatrix[ cbind( 1:(2*I), rep(1:2, each=I) ) ] <- 1
theta.k <- seq(-1, 1, len=4) # initial matrix
theta.k <- cbind( theta.k, theta.k )
colnames(theta.k) <- c("Dim1","Dim2")
# estimate model
mod2 <- CDM::gdm( dat, theta.k=theta.k, skillspace="est", irtmodel="1PL",
Qmatrix=Qmatrix, centerintercepts=TRUE)
## Estimated Skill Distribution
## theta.k.Dim1 theta.k.Dim2 pi.k
## 1 -2.022 -3.035 0.25010
## 2 0.016 0.053 0.24794
## 3 0.956 1.525 0.36401
## 4 1.958 1.919 0.13795
# EXAMPLE 6: Large-scale dataset data.mg
data(data.mg, package="CDM")
dat <- data.mg[, paste0("I", 1:11 ) ]
theta.k <- seq(-6,6,len=21)
# Model 1: Generalized partial credit model with multiple groups
mod1 <- CDM::gdm( dat, irtmodel="2PL", theta.k=theta.k, group=CDM::data.mg$group,
skillspace="normal", standardized.latent=TRUE)
# }
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