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CIDnetworks (version 0.8.1)

CIDnetworks-gibbs: CIDnetworks: Bayesian Inference


Usage of CID Gibbs Samplers.


CID.Gibbs (input, outcome, node.names, components, class.outcome = NULL, fill.in.missing.edges = missing(outcome), new.chain = FALSE,
draws = 100, burnin = -1, thin = 10, report = 100, auto.converge = FALSE, extend.max=10, extend.count=100, verbose=2, ...)
"print" (x, ...) "summary" (object, ...) "plot" (x, ...) "print" (x, ...)
likelihood.plot(x, ...) intercept.plot(x, mode = c("standard","trace"), ...) COV.plot(x, mode = c("standard","trace","scatterplot"), ...) LSM.plot(x, ...) SBM.plot(x, ...) MMSBM.plot(x, ...) SR.plot(x, ...)
network.plot (x, fitted.values=FALSE, ...) sociogram.plot (x, component.color=0, vertexcolor, add.labels = TRUE, ...)
n.nodes(object) edge.list(object) is.net.directed(object) net.density(object) outcome(object) node.names(object) inDegree(object) outDegree(object) socio(object) value.mat(CID.Gibbs.object, prob = TRUE) value.mat.mean(object, prob = TRUE) switcheroo(CID.Gibbs.object)


An object containing information about the edges in a network. Must be one of the following classes: Matrix, CIDnetwork, or CID.Gibbs. If input is a square matrix, it is assumed to be a sociomatrix. Otherwise a matrix with 2 columns and a number of rows equal to the number of edges is required. Providing a CIDnetwork will use the associated edge.list. Providing a CID.Gibbs object will continue the MCMC chain from the last draw.
If an edgelist is provided as input and outcome is missing, the edges provided are assumed to be the ones in a binary sociomatrix. Otherwise, an outcome value must be specified for each edge in the edgelist, and any edges not provided are assumed to have no data.
Names labeling each node in the network.
If desired, an existing CID.Gibbs output object can be loaded instead of a new network specification.
A list of sub-components, including (COV, HBM, LSM, LVM, MMSBM, SBM, SR).
One of "ordinal" (default, values from 0 to higher integers), "binary" (ordinal in 0 and 1) or "gaussian" (unbounded continuous values). Class is auto-detected if NULL remains in place.
If TRUE, the edge list will be augmented with zeroes for all unspecified but possible edges. By default, if an outcome is specified, these edges will not be added.
If a CID.Gibbs object is provided, the default value of FALSE will return both the old and new MCMC chain combined. A value of TRUE will drop the old chain completely.
Number of draws to return.
Number of draws to burnin. A negative value will automatically determine burnin amount.
Amount of draws to thin the chain by.
Number of draws between reporting total draws so far.
When true, a Geweke convergence test on log-likleihood to detect convergence.
Maximum number of times chain will be extended until it returns without converging.
Number of draws to extend chain by if convergence test fails
Level of output to be displayed while running. A value of 0 will return little or no output. A value of 1 will only notify of warnings of misuse. A value of 2 will report progress of MCMC chain. A value of 3 or higher will report debugging values.
Further arguments to be passed to the Gibbs sampler routine or the plot routine. See details for more.
x, object
An object outputted from CID.Gibbs.
Controls which diagnostic plot is made.
If TRUE, plots the fitted tie strength under the Gibbs sampler. If FALSE, plots the network outcomes as entered.
If non-zero, colors the nodes in the sociogram according to the output of the Gibbs sampler.
User-passed vertex colors for sociogram.plot .
When true, node labels are included on nodes.
If selected, displays the Gibbs sampler trace plot for the intercept rather than a point and interval.
In value.mat, converts the linear predictor value to the probability of a binary edge.


CID.Gibbs outputs a list containing a CID object, the results of the Gibbs sampler, and the Deviance Information Criterion estimate for the Gibbs.


This is the main routine for running a Gibbs sampler on any of the CID models. See the vignettes for more information.