The number of rows in the square matrix for which we wish to
extract the lower or upper diagonal matrix.
The elements to be divided into ordinal categories.
The cut points at which to divide vec into ordinal
categories. Default values separate vec into quartiles.
The list object of draws from the Gibbs sampler. This
re-sorts the object into a matrix form for easier consumption.
A three-dimensional array of covariates, with n.nodes rows
and columns. Each slice is a different covariate.
Number of nodes in network
List of potential edges in network.
These functions are included for the convenience of users of
l.diag and u.diag provide the indices of a matrix to extract the lower and upper diagonal elements.
ordinal.maker will turn any numeric vector into a series of ordinal
integers for easy use in a CIDnetworks outcome.
Xmat converts a sociomatrix-style array of covariates into one that
can easily be used by the COV() component.