CIDnetworks (version 0.8.1)

CIDnetworks-master: Forward Simulation and Declaration of CID Network Models


Usage of the CID main class.


CID (input, outcome, n.nodes, node.names, intercept = 0,components, class.outcome="ordinal",, generate=FALSE, verbose=2, ...) CID.generate (...)


A matrix object containing information about the edges in a network. If the input is a matrix with 2 columns the input is assumed to be a set of edges. If input is a square matrix, it is assumed to be a sociomatrix. If no input is provided, a new network is generated containing n.nodes.
A set of outcome values for each edge in the edgelist given as input. If outcome is missing, the edgelist is assumed to represent observed edges in a binary network. outcome requires no value is a sociomatrix is provided.
Number of nodes in generated networks
Names labeling each node in the network.
Intercept to be used when generating new networks
A list of components to use when generating new networks. Possible components include SR, SBM, MMSBM, LSM, LVM HBM EdgeCOV, SenderCOV, ReceiverCOV, SendRecCov, IdenticalCOV
One of "ordinal" (default, values from 0 to higher integers), "binary" (ordinal in 0 and 1) or "gaussian" (unbounded continuous values). Class is auto-detected if NULL remains in place.
If TRUE, the edge list will be augmented with zeroes for all unspecified but possible edges. By default, if an outcome is specified, these edges will not be added.
When TRUE a new network with n.nodes nodes is generated as specified by the intercept and components passed to CID.
Level of output to be displayed while running. A value of 0 will return little or no output. A value of 1 will only notify of warnings of misuse. A value of 2 will report progress of MCMC chain. A value of 3 or higher will report debugging values.
Arguments passed to the master class.


A CIDnetwork object.


CID generates a CIDNetwork object that can be passed to many of the plotting and examination methods in the CIDNetworks package. Initial conversion of network data in standard edgelist or sociomatrix form allows easier manipulation within the CIDNetworks framework.

CID can also be used to simulate networks from any of the models that CIDNetworks can fit. CID.generate is a simple wrapper which calls CID with generate = TRUE.