For classification problem function returns list with the components
accuracyclassification accuracy, for two class problems this would equal
averageCostaverage classification cost
informationScoreinformation score statistics measuring information contents in the predicted probabilities
AUCArea under the ROC curve
predictionMatrixmatrix of miss-classifications also confusion matrix
sensitivitysensitivity for two class problems (also called accuracy of the positive class, i.e., acc+, or true positive rate),
$$rm{sensitivity} = \frac{TP}{TP+FN}$$
specificityspecificity for two class problems (also called accuracy of the negative class, i.e., acc-, or true negative rate),
$$\rm{specificity} = \frac{TN}{TN+FP}$$
brierScoreBrier score of predicted probabilities (the original Brier's definition which scores all the classes not only the correct one)
kappaCohen's kappa statistics measuring randomness of the predictions; for perfect predictions kappa=1, for completely random predictions kappa=0
precisionprecision for two class problems
$$\rm{precision} = \frac{TP}{TP+FP}$$
recallrecall for two class problems (the same as sensitivity)
F-measureF-measure giving a weighted score of precision and recall for two class problems
$$F= \frac{(1+\beta^2)\cdot \rm{recall} \cdot \rm{precision}}{\beta^2 \cdot \rm{recall} + \rm{precision}}$$
G-meangeometric mean of positive and negative accuracy,
$$G=\sqrt{\rm{senstivity} \cdot \rm{specificity}} $$
KSKolmogorov-Smirnov statistics defined for binary classification problems, reports the distance between the probability distributions of positive class
for positive and negative instances, see (Hand, 2005), value 0 means no separation, and value 1 means perfect separation,
$$KS = \max_t |TPR(t)-FPR(t)|$$
see definitions of TPR and FPR below
TPRtrue positive rate \(TPR = \frac{TP}{TP+FN}\) at maximal value of KS
FPRfalse positive rate \(FPR = \frac{FP}{FP+TN}\) at maximal value of KS
For regression problem the returned list has components
MSEsquare root of Mean Squared Error
RMSERelative Mean Squared Error
MAEMean Absolute Error
RMAERelative Mean Absolute Error