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CR (version 1.0)

showcr: Function for displaying objects of class CureRate


R function for customized display of an object of class CureRate. It allows the user to display the full info for any pair set of pairs (object@actime[],object@futime[]). The default is the display of the summary power table. For more info, see the section Arguments below.


showcr(cr, full.results = FALSE, indac = 0, indfu = 0)


object of class CureRate
logical, if TRUE, the full results are displayed, and the values of indac and indfu are disregarded; if FALSE (default), the summary power table is displayed only, unless both indac and indfu are specified as (sub)vectors of indices of cr@actime and cr@futime when the corresponding detailed info is displayed for each pair (cr@actime[indac[i]],cr@futime[indac[j]]).
vector of integers, subvector of indices of cr@actime vector; use only when full.results=FALSE and indfu is specified too; default value 0.
vector of integers, subvector of indices of cr@futime vector; use only when full.results=FALSE and indac is specified too; default value 0.


The object cr of class CureRate must be specified. If full.results, indac, and indfu are not specified, they assume the default values TRUE, 0, and 0, respectively, then the summary power table for the specified object cr is displayed only. If full.results is not specified, but both indac, and indfu are specified, then full.results assumes the default value TRUE and all the info for each pair of (cr@actime[indac[]],cr@futime[indfu[]]) are displayed together with the summary power table. If full.results is specified as TRUE, then the values of indac, and indfu, specified or not, all info for all pairs (cr@actime[],cr@futime[]) are displayed together with the summary power table.

See Also

CR-package, curerate, CureRate-class, and show-methods


Run this code
##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
## Input Data
# rho - specifies the value of rho in the G-rho test (Harrington and Fleming, 1982). 
# rho = 0 gives the logrank test, and rho = 1 the Peto-Peto Wilcoxon test
#(and rho = -1 the test discussed by Gray and Tsiatis, 1989).
rho = 0 

numreps = 500
##cureobs - probability of cure on the observation arm of the study
cureobs = .359
##curerx - probability of cure on the treatment arm of the study
curerx = .459
##medobs - median survival among the non-cured on observation
medobs = .747
##medrx - median survival among the non-cured on treatment
medrx = .859
##acrate - rate at which patients accrue, combined over both 
##observation and treatment arms of the study
acrate = 232
##probrx - probability of assignment to the treatment arm
probrx = .5
##actime  - accrual duration
actime = c(3.3, 3.5, 3.8); 
##futime  - followup duration
futime = c(2.0,  2.5) 
##info - vector of information times for the interim looks
##must be an increasing sequence in (0,1]
info = c( .35, .61, .86, 1.0)
##crits - vector of critical values corresponding to the 
##interim analysis time points specified in info
crits = c(3.6128, 2.6506, 2.1894, 2.0536)


### Log-rank test: rho=0 (default)
mycr<-curerate(rho ,numreps,cureobs,curerx,medobs,medrx,acrate,
mycr       ### (*)

show(mycr)   ### same as above
showcr(mycr)   ### same as above

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