Compute the \(X^2\) statistic of Pearson for the goodness of fit of a CUB model for ordinal responses, where the feeling parameter is explained via a logistic transform of the only discrete covariate. It groups ratings in classes according to the values of the covariate.
chi2cub1cov(m, ordinal, covar, pai, gama)
It returns the following results in a list:
Number of degrees of freedom
Value of the Pearson fitting measure
Deviance indicator
Integer: number of ordinal categories
Vector of ordinal responses
Vector of the selected covariate for explaining the feeling component
Uncertainty parameter
Vector of parameters for the feeling component, with length equal to 2 to account for an intercept term (first entry)
Tutz, G. (2011). Regression for categorical data, Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics