Function to estimate and validate a CUBE model with explicative covariates for all the three parameters.
cubecov(m, ordinal, Y, W, Z, starting, maxiter, toler)
An object of the class "CUBE"
Number of ordinal categories
Vector of ordinal responses
Matrix of selected covariates for explaining the uncertainty component
Matrix of selected covariates for explaining the feeling component
Matrix of selected covariates for explaining the overdispersion component
Vector of initial parameters estimates to start the optimization algorithm (it has length NCOL(Y) + NCOL(W) + NCOL(Z) + 3 to account for intercept terms for all the three components
Maximum number of iterations allowed for running the optimization algorithm
Fixed error tolerance for final estimates
Piccolo, D. (2014). Inferential issues on CUBE models with covariates, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 44, DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2013.821487