In addition to the default objects included in `summary.causal_model` users can request additional objects via `include` argument. Note that these additional objects can be large for complex models and can increase computing time. The `include` argument can be a vector of any of the following additional objects:
A character string giving the causal statement,
A list containing the nodes in the model,
A list of parents of all nodes in a model,
A data frame listing nodes, whether they are root nodes or not, and the number and names of parents they have,
A vector of 'true' parameters,
A data frame containing parameter information,
A vector of names of parameters,
A matrix mapping from parameters into data types,
A matrix mapping from parameters into causal types,
A data frame listing causal types and the nodal types that produce them,
A list with the nodal types of the model,
A list with the all data types consistent with the model; for options see `"?get_all_data_types"`,
A vector of alpha values used to parameterize Dirichlet prior distributions; optionally provide node names to reduce output `inspect(prior_hyperparameters, c('M', 'Y'))`
A data frame of the parameter prior distribution,
A vector of data (event) probabilities given a single (sepcified) parameter vector; for options see `"?get_event_probabilities"`,
A matrix mapping from causal types into data types,
A matrix of type probabilities using priors,
A matrix of type probabilities using posteriors,
A data frame of the parameter posterior distribution,
A sample of data (event) probabilities from the posterior,
A data frame with data that was used to update model.
A `stanfit` object generated by Stan,
A `stanfit` summary with updated parameter names,
A list of Stan outputs that includes `stanfit`, `data`, and, if requested when updating the model, posterior `event_probabilities` and `type_distribution`.