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ChemmineR (version 2.24.2)

bonds: Bonds, charges and missing hydrogens


Returns information about bonds, charges and missing hydrogens in SDF and SDFset objects.


bonds(x, type = "bonds")


SDF or SDFset containers
If type="bonds" (default), a data.frame is returned with columns: atom (atom labels), Nbondcount (observed bond count), Nbondrule (bond count according to position in periodic table) and charge (charge of each atom).

If type="charge", all charged atoms are returned and if type="addNH", the number of missing hydrogens are returned for each molecule.


If x is of class SDF, then a single data.frame or vector is returned. If x is of class SDFset, then a list of data.frames or vecotors is returned that has the same length and order as x.


It is used by many other functions (e.g. MW, MF, atomcount, atomcuntMA and plot) to correct for missing hydrogens that are often not specified in SD files.



See Also

Functions: conMA

Class: SDF and SDFset


Run this code
## Instances of SDFset class
sdfset <- sdfsample

## Returns data frames with bonds and charges 
bonds(sdfset[1:2], type="bonds")

## Returns charged atoms in each molecule
bonds(sdfset[1:2], type="charge")

## Returns the number of missing hydrogens in each molecule
bonds(sdfset[1:2], type="addNH")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab