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ChemmineR (version 2.24.2)

browseJob: Open ChemMine Tools Job in Web Browser


Launches a web browser to view the results of a ChemMine Tools web job with an interactive online viewer. Note that this reassigns the job to the current logged in user within the browser, so it becomes no longer accessible by the result and status functions. Any results should be saved within R before launching a browser.




A jobToken job as returned by the function launchCMTool


Returns an URL string which can be used to access the job results. The function also attempts to open the url with the browseURL function. As this URL can only be used once, the returned string is only useful if the browseURL function fails to open a browser.


See ChemMine Tools at http://chemmine.ucr.edu.

See Also

Functions: toolDetails, listCMTools, launchCMTool, result, status


Run this code
## Not run: 
# ## list available tools
# listCMTools()
# ## get detailed instructions on using a tool
# toolDetails("Fingerprint Search")
# ## download compound 2244 from PubChem
# job1 <- launchCMTool("pubchemID2SDF", 2244)
# ## check job status and download result
# status(job1)
# result1 <- result(job1)
# ## open job in web browser
# browseJob(job1)
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab