## Instance of SDFset class
sdfset <- sdfsample[1:10]
## Compute atom pair library
apset <- sdf2ap(sdfset)
## Compute atom pair fingerprint matrix using internal atom pair
## selection containing 4096 most common atom pairs in DrugBank.
## For details see ?apfp. The following example uses from this
## set the 1024 most frequent atom pairs:
fpset <- desc2fp(x=apset, descnames=1024, type="FPset")
## Alternatively, one can provide any custom atom pair selection. Here
## 1024 most common ones in apset object.
fpset1024 <- names(rev(sort(table(unlist(as(apset, "list")))))[1:1024])
fpset2 <- desc2fp(x=apset, descnames=fpset1024, type="FPset")
## A more compact way of storing fingerprints is as character values
fpchar <- desc2fp(x=apset, descnames=1024, type="character")
## Convert character fingerprints back to FPset or matrix
fpset <- as(fpchar, "FPset")
fpma <- as.matrix(fpset)
## Similarity searching returning Tanimoto similarity coefficients
fpSim(x=fpset[1], y=fpset)
## Clustering example
simMAap <- sapply(cid(fpset), function(x) fpSim(x=fpset[x], fpset, sorted=FALSE))
hc <- hclust(as.dist(1-simMAap), method="single")
plot(as.dendrogram(hc), edgePar=list(col=4, lwd=2), horiz=TRUE)
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