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ChemmineR (version 2.24.2)

read.SDFindex: Extract Molecules from SD File by Line Index


Extracts specific molecules from SD File based on a line position index computed by the sdfStream function.


read.SDFindex(file, index, type = "SDFset", outfile)


file name of source SD file used to generate index
data frame containing in the first two columns the start and end positions (index) of molecules in an SD File, respectively. Typically, this index would be imported with read.table/read.delim from a tabular descriptor file generated by the sdfStream function.
if type="file", the SDF output will be written to a file named as specified under outfile; if type="SDFset", the SDF data is collected will be a SDFset container.
name of output file when type="file"


Writes molecules in SDF format to file or collects them in SDFset container.




SDF format definition: http://www.symyx.com/downloads/public/ctfile/ctfile.jsp

See Also

Import/export functions: read.SDFset, read.SDFstr, read.SDFstr, read.SDFset, write.SDFsplit


Run this code
## Load sample data
data(sdfsample); sdfset <- sdfsample
## Not run: write.SDF(sdfset, "test.sdf")
# ## Define descriptor set in a simple function
# desc <- function(sdfset) {
#         cbind(SDFID=sdfid(sdfset), 
#               # datablock2ma(datablocklist=datablock(sdfset)), 
#               MW=MW(sdfset), 
#               groups(sdfset), 
#               # AP=sdf2ap(sdfset, type="character"),
#               rings(sdfset, type="count", upper=6, arom=TRUE)
#         )
# }
# ## Run sdfStream with desc function and write results to a file called 'matrix.xls'
# sdfStream(input="test.sdf", output="matrix.xls", fct=desc, Nlines=1000)
# ## Select molecules from SD File using line index from sdfStream
# indexDF <- read.delim("matrix.xls", row.names=1)[,1:4]
# indexDFsub <- indexDF[indexDF$MW < 400, ] # Selects molecules with MW < 400
# sdfset <- read.SDFindex(file="test.sdf", index=indexDFsub, type="SDFset")
# ## Write result directly to SD file without storing larger numbers of molecules in memory
# read.SDFindex(file="test.sdf", index=indexDFsub, type="file", outfile="sub.sdf")
# ## End(Not run)

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