## Instances of SDFset class
sdfset <- sdfsample
## Return all possible rings for a single compound
rings(sdfset[1], upper=Inf, type="all", arom=FALSE, inner=FALSE)
plot(sdfset[1], print=FALSE, atomnum=TRUE, no_print_atoms="H")
## Return all possible rings for several compounds plus their
## aromaticity information
rings(sdfset[1:4], upper=Inf, type="all", arom=TRUE, inner=FALSE)
## Return rings with no more than 6 atoms
rings(sdfset[1:4], upper=6, type="all", arom=TRUE, inner=FALSE)
## Return rings with no more than 6 atoms that are also armomatic
rings(sdfset[1:4], upper=6, type="arom", arom=TRUE, inner=FALSE)
## Return shortest possible rings (no complex rings)
rings(sdfset[1:4], upper=Inf, type="all", arom=TRUE, inner=TRUE)
## Count shortest possible rings
rings(sdfset[1:4], upper=Inf, type="count", arom=TRUE, inner=TRUE)
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