## Instance of SDFset class
data(sdfsample); sdfset <- sdfsample
## Write objects of classes SDFset/SDFstr/SDF to file
# write.SDF(sdfset[1:4], file="sub.sdf")
## Example for writing customized SDFset to file containing
## ChemmineR signature, IDs from SDFset and no data block
# write.SDF(sdfset[1:4], file="sub.sdf", sig=TRUE, cid=TRUE, db=NULL)
## Example for injecting a custom matrix/data frame into the data block of an
## SDFset and then writing it to an SD file
props <- data.frame(MF=MF(sdfset), MW=MW(sdfset), atomcountMA(sdfset))
datablock(sdfset) <- props
# write.SDF(sdfset[1:4], file="sub.sdf", sig=TRUE, cid=TRUE)
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