Functions for PCA: creating a PCA object, extracting variances, scores and loadings for individual PCs, projecting new data in the PC space, and reconstruction using a limited number of PCs.
PCA(X, warn = TRUE)
# S3 method for PCA
summary(object, varperc = 90, = c(1:5,10), …)
variances(object, npc = maxpc)
# S3 method for PCA
scores(object, npc = maxpc, …)
# S3 method for PCA
loadings(object, npc = maxpc, …)
reconstruct(object, npc = maxpc)
project(object, npc = maxpc, newdata, ldngs)
a matrix, with each row representing an object.
logical, whether or not to give a warning when the data are not mean-centered.
an object of class "PCA" (see below).
variance threshold in the summary
extra arguments, e.g., for printing the variance table (digits = ...).
PCs to be included in the summary
the number of PCs to be returned.
data (with the same number of variables as the original
data) that are to be projected into the space of the first
loadings to be used; by default the PCA loadings.
Function PCA
returns an object of class "PCA" with components
object weights per PC.
variable weights per PC.
variance explained per PC.
The total variance in the data set.
Function summary.PCA gives a short summary of the PCA model, stating how many PCs are needed to cover a certain percentage of the total variance, and for selected PCs gives the (cumulative) variance explained.
Function variances returns the variances associated with each PC.
Function scores returns the scores associated with each PC.
Function loadings returns the loadings associated with each PC.
Function reconstruct returns the reconstruction of the original data matrix, based on npc PCs.
Function project projects the new data into the subspace spanned by the given loadings. If argument ldngs is given, arguments pcamod and npc are not needed.
R. Wehrens. "Chemometrics with R - Multivariate Data Analysis in the Natural Sciences and Life Sciences". Springer, Heidelberg, 2011.
data(wines, package = "ChemometricsWithRData")
wines.PC <- PCA(scale(wines))
# }
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