### Not Run!!
# Install 'climatol' from 'http://www.climatol.eu/' first
### Then load the package, uncomment and run the following line
# library(climatol)
TrentinoClimateDf <- do.call(rbind,clima_81_10)
names <- rownames(TrentinoClimateDf)
TrentinoClimateDf$station <-
unlist(lapply(X=str_split(names,pattern="[.]"),FUN=function(x) {x[1]}))
station <- "T0129"
datcli <- as.datcli(TrentinoClimateDf,station=station)
### Not Run!!
# Install 'climatol' from 'http://www.climatol.eu/' first
### Then load the package, uncomment and run the following line
# diagwl(datcli,est=station,alt=100,per="Period",mlab="en") ## plots a Walter-Lieth's climograph
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab