ncomp = 3
npackages = 20
itemnames = c("apple","banana","grape","mango", "orange")
availability = c(5, 8, 50, 50, 50)
randomize(ncomp = ncomp,
npackages = npackages,
itemnames = itemnames)
randomize(ncomp = ncomp,
npackages = npackages,
itemnames = itemnames,
availability = availability)
if (FALSE) { # interactive()
# run diagnostics to certify that randomization is balanced
# the number of interactions should have the lower sd as possible
# this verification may not work well when technologies are
# tested in different proportions
design = randomize(ncomp = ncomp,
npackages = npackages,
itemnames = itemnames)
design$best = "A"
design$worst = "C"
# number of times each item is tested in the
# trial design
ntest = table(unlist(design[,c(1:3)]))
# put into the PlackettLuce structure to check
# number of interactions between items
r = gosset::rank_tricot(design, c(1:3), c(4:5))
bn = gosset::set_binomialfreq(r)
bn$interactions = bn$win1 + bn$win2
bn = bn[,c(1,2,5)]
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