- data
matrix or data frame
- clusters
the number of clusters
- samples
number of samples to draw from the data set
- sample_size
fraction of data to draw in each sample iteration. It should be a float number greater than 0.0 and less or equal to 1.0
- distance_metric
a string specifying the distance method. One of, euclidean, manhattan, chebyshev, canberra, braycurtis, pearson_correlation, simple_matching_coefficient, minkowski, hamming, jaccard_coefficient, Rao_coefficient, mahalanobis, cosine
- minkowski_p
a numeric value specifying the minkowski parameter in case that distance_metric = "minkowski"
- threads
an integer specifying the number of cores to run in parallel. Openmp will be utilized to parallelize the number of the different sample draws
- swap_phase
either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE then both phases ('build' and 'swap') will take place. The 'swap_phase' is considered more computationally intensive.
- fuzzy
either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, then probabilities for each cluster will be returned based on the distance between observations and medoids
- verbose
either TRUE or FALSE, indicating whether progress is printed during clustering
- seed
integer value for random number generator (RNG)