a dim=c(n,p) matrix representing the coordinates of n new data point(s)
an object of class ContaminatedMixt resulting from a call to CNmixt.
When several models have been estimated, getBestModel is used to select one of them
Options to be passed to getBestModel
a vector with length=G, where G is the number of components of the mixture model.
Its \(k\)th component is the mixing proportion for the \(k\)th component
a dim=c(p,G) matrix with mean values for each component of the mixture model
an array with dim=c(p,p,G) whose element invSigma[,,k] is the inverse covariance matrix for the \(k\)th component of the mixture model.
a vector of length=G with the proportions of good observations; it must be a number between 0 and 1.
Use NULL for uncontaminated models
a vector of length=G with the degree of contamination; it should be a number greater than 1.
Use NULL for uncontaminated models
Antonio Punzo, Angelo Mazza, Paul D. McNicholas
Punzo A., Mazza A. and McNicholas P. D. (2018). ContaminatedMixt: An R Package for Fitting Parsimonious Mixtures of Multivariate Contaminated Normal Distributions. Journal of Statistical Software, 85(10), 1--25.
Punzo A. and McNicholas P. D. (2016). Parsimonious mixtures of multivariate contaminated normal distributions. Biometrical Journal, 58(6), 1506--1537.