qLinkfilter: Filter gene coexpression links according to the q-values of expression correlation values
Gene links with q-values of coexpression value pairs in either of two conditions higher than the cutoff are retained, while the coexpression values of other links are set to zero.
a data frame or matrix for condition A, with rows as variables (genes) and columns as samples.
a data frame or matrix for condition B, with rows as variables (genes) and columns as samples.
the cutoff of q-value; must be within [0,1].
a character string indicating 'pearson' (default) or 'spearman' correlation coefficient will be computed.
a character string indicating adjust method of p-value, default is 'BH'.
A list with two components of data frames, one for filtered data of condition A, the other for the counterpart of condition B.
For each of the two conditions, the coexpression values are associated with the corresponding p-values (student T-test of the zero nature of a PCC),
and these p-values are sorted and transformed to q-values (false discovery rates). Gene links with q-values of coexpression values in
either of two conditions lower than the cutoff are reserved.