fas <- system.file("extdata", "IDH2.fas", package="DECIPHER")
dna <- readDNAStringSet(fas)
# plot the melt curve for the two alleles
temps <- seq(85, 100, 0.2)
m <- MeltDNA(dna,
type="melt", temps=temps, ions=0.1)
matplot(temps, m,
type="l", xlab="Temperature (\u00B0C)", ylab="Average Theta")
legend("topright", names(dna), lty=seq_along(dna), col=seq_along(dna))
# plot the negative derivative curve for a subsequence of the two alleles
temps <- seq(80, 95, 0.25)
m <- MeltDNA(subseq(dna, 492, 542),
type="derivative", temps=temps)
matplot(temps, m,
type="l", xlab="Temperature (\u00B0C)", ylab="-d(Theta)/dTemp")
legend("topright", names(dna), lty=seq_along(dna), col=seq_along(dna))
# plot the positional helicity profile for the IDH2 allele
temps <- seq(90.1, 90.5, 0.1)
m <- MeltDNA(dna[1],
type="position", temps=temps, ions=0.1)
matplot(seq_len(dim(m[[1]])[2]), t(m[[1]]),
type="l", xlab="Nucleotide Position", ylab="Theta")
temps <- formatC(temps, digits=1, format="f")
legend("topright", legend=paste(temps, "\u00B0C", sep=""),
col=seq_along(temps), lty=seq_along(temps), bg="white")
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab