estimateDispersionsGeneEst(object, minDisp = 1e-08, kappa_0 = 1,
dispTol = 1e-06, maxit = 100, quiet = FALSE, modelMatrix = NULL,
niter = 1)estimateDispersionsFit(object, fitType = c("parametric", "local", "mean"),
minDisp = 1e-08, quiet = FALSE)
estimateDispersionsMAP(object, outlierSD = 2, dispPriorVar, minDisp = 1e-08,
kappa_0 = 1, dispTol = 1e-06, maxit = 100, modelMatrix = NULL,
quiet = FALSE)
estimateDispersionsPriorVar(object, minDisp = 1e-08, modelMatrix = NULL)
small value for the minimum dispersion, to allow
for calculations in log scale, one order of magnitude above this value is used
as a test for inclusion in mean-dispersion fitting
control parameter used in setting the initial proposal
in backtracking search, higher kappa_0 results in larger steps
control parameter to test for convergence of log dispersion,
stop when increase in log posterior is less than dispTol
control parameter: maximum number of iterations to allow for convergence
whether to print messages at each step
for advanced use only,
a substitute model matrix for gene-wise and MAP dispersion estimation
number of times to iterate between estimation of means and
estimation of dispersion
either "parametric", "local", or "mean"
for the type of fitting of dispersions to the mean intensity.
See estimateDispersions
for description. outlierSD
the number of standard deviations of log
gene-wise estimates above the prior mean (fitted value),
above which dispersion estimates will be labelled
outliers. Outliers will keep their original value and
not be shrunk using the prior.
the variance of the normal prior on the log dispersions.
If not supplied, this is calculated as the difference between
the mean squared residuals of gene-wise estimates to the
fitted dispersion and the expected sampling variance
of the log dispersion