Takes a data frame of enrichment results in multiple modules and plots the results. Note that if a GO term enrichment does not exist for that module, it is set as 0 for an OR or 1 for a p-value.
plotModuleGO(df, nTerms = 5, termVector = NULL, modules = NULL,
heatmapColor = NULL, plotOR = FALSE, axis_text_col = "black",
axis_x_text_angle = 45, text_size = 10, guide_title = NULL,
coord_flip = FALSE, adjust = TRUE)
A data frame summarizing the GO term enrichments from each group, with columns on the ordered by the minimum p-value for OR term enrichment in any group.
The data frame of term enrichments to be plotted.
The number of terms for each module whose GO terms with the minimum enrichment p-values for that group should be plotted.
Optional character vector of GO term strings to plot, overriding other options.
Optional, a list of module names to plot. Optional; if not inputted, all of the module names in the data frame will be used.
Optional specification of the heatmap colors. If not specified, ?heat.colors will be used.
Logical, indicating whether odds ratios should be plotted on the heatmap, instead of -log10 p-values (the default).
Color of axis text.
Angle of x-axis text.
Text size of axes and legend in plot.
Optionally, specify the title of legend.
Whether the coordinates should be flipped.
If p-values are plotted, whether or not the enrichment p-values from each module should be adjusted by the Benjamini-Hochberg method.