## A small example with a data set created artificially from the IRIS
## data
data <- iris[, c(1, 2, 5)]
data$Species <- factor(ifelse(data$Species == "setosa","rare","common"))
## checking the class distribution of this artificial data set
## now using SMOTE to create a more "balanced problem"
newData <- SMOTE(Species ~ ., data, perc.over = 600,perc.under=100)
## Checking visually the created data
## Not run:
# par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
# plot(data[, 1], data[, 2], pch = 19 + as.integer(data[, 3]),
# main = "Original Data")
# plot(newData[, 1], newData[, 2], pch = 19 + as.integer(newData[,3]),
# main = "SMOTE'd Data")
# ## End(Not run)
## Now an example where we obtain a model with the "balanced" data
classTree <- SMOTE(Species ~ ., data, perc.over = 600,perc.under=100,
## check the resulting classification tree
## The tree with the unbalanced data set would be
rpartXse(Species ~ .,data,se=0.5)
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