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DOQTL (version 1.8.0)

add.sig.thr: Add the significance thresholds to an existing QTL plot.


Given a set of thresholds, add the autosomal and X chromosome thresholds to an existing QTL plot. The user may call plot() and then this function, but plot.doqtl contains a 'sig.thr' argument and will call this automatically. The threhsolds can be obtained from get.sig.thr


add.sig.thr(sig.thr, sig.col = "red", chrsum)


Numeric matrix or a numeric vector with the significance thredholds, typically obtained from get.sig.thr. If sig.thr is a matrix, then it must have 2 columns names 'A' and 'X' and each significance threshold is in one row.
Numeric vector containing the plotting colors for each threshold. The length of sig.col must equal nrow(sig.thr).
Numeric vector with the cumulative sum of the chromosome lengths. Must be named with chromosome names.


Plots autosomal and X chromosome thresholds on a QTL plot. Behavior on other plots is undetermined.

See Also



Run this code
  ## Not run:  
#      qtl = scanone(pheno = pheno, probs = probs, addcovar = addcovar, snps = anps)
#      perms = scanone.perm(pheno = pheno, probs = probs, addcovar = addcovar, snps = anps)
#      sig.thr = get.sig.thr(perms)
#      plot(qtl)
#      add.sig.thr(sig.thr, chrsum = cumsum(get.chr.lengths()))
#      # Could also run:
#      plot(qtl, sig.thr = sig.thr)
#   ## End(Not run)

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