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DOQTL (version 1.8.0)

calc.genoprob.intensity: Calculate the founder genotype probabilities at each SNP.


This function performs genome reconstruction using allele intensities. We recommend using allele intensities where available because they often produce better genotype reconstructions.


calc.genoprob.intensity(data, chr, founders, snps, output.dir = ".", trans.prob.fxn, plot = FALSE)


A list with named elements containing the information needed to reconstruct genomes. When method = intensity: x: Numeric matrix, num.samples x num.snps, with X intensities for all samples. Sample IDs and SNP IDs must be in rownames and colnames. y: Numeric matrix, num.samples x num.snps, with Y intensities for all samples. Sample IDs and SNP IDs must be in rownames and colnames. sex: Character vector, containing "M" or "F" indicating sex. Sample IDs must be in names. gen: Character matrix containing the generation of DO outbreeding for each sample. For the DO, this should be "DO" followed by a number with no space between them. For CC mice, this should be CC. Sample IDs must be in names.
Character vector containing chromosomes to run. Must match the chromosome IDs in the snps table. "all" (default) will run all chromosomes.
List containing founder information for non-DO or CC crosses. Not required for DO. When method = intensity: x: Numeric matrix, num.samples x num.snps, with X intensities for all founders and F1s (if available). Sample IDs and SNP IDs must be in rownames and colnames. y: Numeric matrix, num.samples x num.snps, with Y intensities for all founders and F1s (if available). Sample IDs and SNP IDs must be in rownames and colnames. sex: Character vector, containing "M" or "F" indicating sex. Sample IDs must be in names. code: Character vector containing two letter genotype codes for each founder sample. Sample IDs must be in names.
Data.frame containing the marker locations. SNP ID, chromosome, Mb anc cM locations in columns 1 through 4, respectively. Not required for DO.
Character string containing the full path where output should be written. The directory must exist already.
FALSEunction to call to estimate the transition probabilities between markers for non-DO samples. Not required for DO.
Boolean that is true if the user would like to plot a sample chromosome as the model progresses. Default = TRUE.


No value is returned. The output files are written to output.dir.


Run this code
  ## Not run: 
#     calc.genoprob.intensity(data, chr, founders, snps, output.dir = ".", trans.prob.fxn, 
# 	plot = FALSE)
#   ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab