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DOQTL (version 1.8.0)

parameter.update: Parameter updating in HMM


Not intended for external use.


parameter.update.alleles(geno, b, pseudocounts, prsmth) parameter.update.intensity(data, params, prsmth, founder.means)


Data.frame containing allele calls.
Three dimensional numeric array containing emission probabilities.
Three dimensional numeric array containing pseudocounts for updating.
Three dimensional numeric array containing posterior genotype probabilities.
A list with named elements containing the information needed to reconstruct genomes. When method = intensity: x: Numeric matrix, num.samples x num.snps, with X intensities for all samples. Sample IDs and SNP IDs must be in rownames and colnames. y: Numeric matrix, num.samples x num.snps, with Y intensities for all samples. Sample IDs and SNP IDs must be in rownames and colnames. sex: Character vector, containing "M" or F indicating sex. Sample IDs must be in names. gen: Character matrix containing the generation of DO outbreeding for each sample. FALSEor the DO, this should be "DO" followed by a number with no space between them. FALSEor CC mice, this should be CC. Sample IDs must be in names.
List containing two elements: r.t.means: three dimensional numeric array containing the genotype cluster means at each marker. r.t.covars: three dimensional numeric array containing the genotype cluster variances at each marker.
Numeric matrix containing the founder intensity means for each marker.