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DSLite (version 1.3.0)

DASIM3: Simulated dataset DASIM 3


Simulated dataset DASIM 3, in a data.frame with 10000 observations of 10 harmonized variables. The DASIM dataset contains synthetic data based on a model derived from the participants of the 1958 Birth Cohort, as part of the obesity methodological development project. This dataset does not contain some NA values.



LAB_TSCTotal Serum Cholesterolnumericmmol/L
LAB_HDLHDL Cholesterolnumericmmol/L
LAB_GLUC_FASTINGFasting Glucosenumericmmol/L
PM_BMI_CONTINUOUSBody Mass Index (continuous)numerickg/m2
DIS_CVAHistory of Strokefactor0 = Never had stroke, 1 = Has had stroke
DIS_DIABHistory of Diabetesfactor0 = Never had diabetes, 1 = Has had diabetes
DIS_AMIHistory of Myocardial Infarctionfactor0 = Never had myocardial infarction, 1 = Has had myocardial infarction
GENDERGenderfactor0 = Female, 1 = Male
PM_BMI_CATEGORICALBody Mass Index (categorical)factor1 = Less than 25 kg/m2, 2 = 25 to 30 kg/m2, 3 = Over 30 kg/m2